Monday 31 October 2011

3 Cara Mengetahui Harga Jual Website atau Blog Anda

Jikalau anda mempunyai sebuah website atau blog, maka sebenarnya anda bisa mengetahui harga blog atau website anda dengan menggunakan beberapa web yang memang diperuntukkan untuk memberikan layanan menghitung harga dari sebuah blog atau website yang anda miliki.

Berikut adalah 3 cara untuk mengetahui harga jual Website atau Blog anda :

Sunday 30 October 2011

Five Indonesian footballers ready to play in East Asia

Right now, the J-League and the K-League are renowned as the two best divisions in Asia. Many players from these leagues have moved onto European clubs after honing their skills and technique. Moreover, there are many talent scouts from Europe who are looking at players from these leagues right now.

Japan or Korea could be a pathway for Indonesian talent to improve so that they can give better performances for the national team and one day move on to Europe. So here are five Indonesian players who could play for East Asian clubs and make a significant impact.

Friday 28 October 2011

SPG Cantik Ramaikan Penjualan Hewan Kurban

Ternyata bukan hanya showroom otomotif saja yang memakai jasa Sales Promotion Girl (SPG), untuk mempromosikan produknya. Showroom sapi pun tidak mau kalah.

Salah seorang pedagang sapi di Depok, Jawa Barat, memanfaatkan SPG cantik untuk membantu menjual hewan-hewan kurban menjelang Idul Adha. Adalah H Doni, yang menyulap showroom mobil miliknya menjadi outlet Sapi.

Di salah satu showroom, di Jalan Akses Kepala Dua, Cimanggis, Depok, terdapat 622 sapi dari jenis limosin, Bali, sapi putih, sapi Jawa, dan sapi keturunan Australia. Showroom yang letaknya tidak jauh dari Markas Komando (Mako) Brimob ini diisi empat orang SPG. Setiap harinya, mereka mengenakan seragam berwarna hijau, putih, dan pink bertuliskan "Ladies Cowboy H Doni". 'Seragam' mereka disesuaikan dengan situasi,  topi cowboy dan celana pendek.

Menurut H Doni, ide menggunakan SPG ini ia dapatkan ketika  bekerja di Australia.

"Kalau di sana itu kan biasa. Perempuan di tempat penggilingan sapi, di pelelangan. Namun di negeri kita ini sesuatu yang baru," ujar  Doni kepada, Jumat 28 Oktober 2011.

Ia mengaku menggunakan jasa SPG dalam memasarkan dagangannya sejak tiga tahun yang lalu. "Kira-kira sejak 2009 lalu," tambahnya.

Doni menjelaskan, saat ini dia memiliki delapan outlet sapi dan menggunakan sebanyak 22 SPG.
Dia mengatakan kebanyakan yang menjadi SPG di showroomnya adalah mahasiswi. "Mereka merupakan mahasiswi yang lagi magang di showroom ini. Usia mereka rata sekitar 20-an," terangnya.

Doni mengungkapkan, di salah satu showroomnya di Cimanggis, ada beberapa yang berasal dari universitas ternama. "Ada yang dari UGM, bahkan IPB, jurusannya peternakan," terang dia.

Di showroom, Doni menerangkan, ia menyediakan fasilitas kartu kredit. Per minggu dia bisa menjual lebih dari 400 sapi. "Minggu lalu saja habis sebanyak 422 ekor," ungkap Doni.


Maskot SEA Games 2011 yang Menjadi Pro Kontra

Sebagian kita pasti sudah pada mengetahui mengenai Maskot SEA GAMES 2011, yaitu sepasang komodo khas Indonesia yang diberi nama Modo dan Modi.

Sejak diluncurkan bulan April lalu, Maskot ini telah menimbulkan banyak pro kontra. Kebanyakan orang menilai bahwa Modo dan Modi tampak aneh sebagai dua ekor komodo karena desain kulit mereka yang sangat halus. Apalagi, pemilihan warna yang digunakan juga terlalu pucat dan tidak menggambarkan keceriaan dan kesemarakan dalam sebuah turnamen olahraga. Bahkan banyak juga masyarakat menyebut Modo-Modi sebagai cicak, bukannya komodo.

Modo - Modi
Dalam momen SEA GAMES ini sebenarnya Indonesia bisa lebih unjuk gigi sebagai tuan rumah. Apalagi, dunia desain Indonesia sudah sangat maju. Sehingga saat ini banyak para praktisi desainer Indonesia yang sedih melihat Modo dan Modi sebagai Maskot SEA GAMES 2011 ini. Mari kita lihat maskot SEA Games terdahulu dari negara lain sebagai bahan perbandingan.
Champa - Champi, SEA GAMES 2011 Laos
                                                                                                                           Can, SEA GAMES 2007 Thailand

Tumas, SEA GAMES 2001 Malaysia

Thursday 27 October 2011

Commercial Fitness Equipment American Fitness expanded line-up with Impact Fitness Equipment

American Fitness building solutions for customers of fitness equipment upscale fitness or athletic training needs. Impact fitness equipment should be the ideal solution for business customers of fitness equipment that have chosen a high level of quality, durability and performance. Many products developed as part of packages fitness equipment in a gym or start a fitness center, sports equipment or a change of clothes., a leading provider of fitness equipment in the service of the United States, as well as hotels, clubs, and foreign military customers, announces the addition of Impact Fitness Equipment to its line- up business solutions for fitness equipment. American Fitness recognizes the special needs of these customers, they are high-end quality and performance of athletes or a commercial gym to ensure member satisfaction oriented demanding. Fitness equipment impact has been identified as ideal for the demands of commercial gym environment and an excellent complement to currently available products appropriate. The product line also offers opportunities for creating packs of fitness equipment with multiple products from the same brand that is often sought by commercial gyms. offers a wide range of equipment fitness impact, including the Triumph, altitude, budget, and a series of winding bodybuilding products. All this is designed for durability complete fitness equipment business. Triumph series, also known as "Simply the Best" means the impact of fitness equipment, is aimed at those who designed the ultimate in design, safety and function. The training system is equipped with chassis large steel tube, converging and diverging planes axis, including weight stacks of security, educational posters, and a variety of comfort features and safety. The series includes Triumph porches, cable systems, record weight stations and benches and other equipment free weights. The altitude range is comparable with the triumph of quality series, but with a traditional look. The budget provides full range of commercial quality for price-conscious customers, making it ideal for startup gyms and fitness centers. Meander Series includes a selection of multi-station gyms.

Port Lockroy: A Post Office in Antarctica

            Port Lockroy is located on the island Goudier (64 º 49'S, 63 ° 30'W), Antarctic Peninsula - the South Pole. Port Lockroy is a Post Office in the most southern tip of Earth and Port Lockroy is a British state-owned territory. More than 70,000 postcards and letters are hand-processed by the staff there every year to send to more than 100 different countries. Currently Port Lockroy Historic Site also be recognized in the Antarctic Treaty, even Port Lockroy is also a tourist destination for many of the world who want to come and learn more about Antarctica. Package delivery and Mail from the Post Office is using a boat to visit Antarctica once a week

Toba Lake: The Largest Volcanic Eruptions Ever

Toba Lake
Location of the largest volcanic eruptions in the last 25 million years, which almost destroyed the entire human race began in 1980, Mount St. Helens in Washington spit a plume of smoke 80,000 feet high, people were killed and 57,200 houses destroyed, 27 bridges, 15 miles of track and 185 miles from the highway. It was deadly and destructive eruption most economically volcanic history of the United States.

 For comparison, the largest volcanic eruption in recorded historic times, the eruption of Tambora in 1815. He was eighty times more powerful than Mount St. Helens and spat about 100 km3 of rock and the entire northern hemisphere is dark and cold for all of 1816, making it the "year without summer" , as we have known. But compared to the case who participated in North Sumatra, Indonesia around 73,000 years ago, this was as good as nothing.

Known as the event they Toba ejected almost 2800 km3, or 28 times the largest volcanic eruption in historical memory, and more than two thousand times more powerful than Mount St. Helens. It was like the Yellowstone supervolcano "big" sister, and when these mega-colossal volcanic levels 8 - the highest rating on the volcanic explosivity index - burst was the largest volcanic eruption in the last 25 million years.

 It can have almost destroyed the human race.

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